

Today it was a funny day. When I went to school, it was full of snow and when I came back home, the sun was shining. And now, during I write this blog, it is snowing again! Hi hi… The weather in Munich changes so often and so quickly. It is “Same same but different” with the place I come from (Saigon). Normally, when people go out in my city, they take a hat with them (because of the sun), but they also bring an umbrella or a rain coat, as it can rain suddenly from one moment to the other – and you never know! Hi hi… But I love it here in Müchen, because I love both, the sun and the snow! We don’t have snow in Vietnam, so for me, snow is something “wunderbar”! During this time of the year (March), when the season changes from winter to spring, it looks like everything is waking up! It would be great, if you would have time to go out and enjoy the seasons here!

I mentioned in last entries, that there are so many nice places here in München! It doesn’t matter what you like, from city sightseeing, historical places, industrial areas or natural places – you have everything here! I just worry that I don’t have enough space here in my blog to write about all of them, hi hi… So I only can hope that my friends will write more about the other places.

This time I choose a place that is located in the industrial area of Munich – the north of Munich. Next time I will tell you more about another place, also very popular! A place you should not miss if you have a chance to visit Munich!  But now back to the North of Munich! If you like cars, architecture, sport and nature, I think you should come here! Maybe you know that what I am going to talk about, as it is a very popular spot here in Munich!

Germany is well-known for the car industry, and I am sure that you know BMW! But did you know, that the head office of BMW is located in Munich?? Just take the U1 (subway) to Olympia Einkaufszentrum (this is the biggest shopping mall here), then change to U3 to Olympia Zentrum, and you will see the BMW tower and their amazing new BMW Welt building ( The BMW head office is very close to the big Olympic stadium which was build in 1972 for the Olympic Games. That’s why the subway station is named Olympia Zentrum! It is a huge area with a giant tower, a big indoor swimming pool for you, a fantastic stadium – and all built in this impressive architecture, which looks like the mountains which you can see from the Olympic tower.  It is very difficult to describe in words, so I took some pictures, which probably can give you a better idea, how this area looks like.

Olypic stadium (internet download)          BMW          BMWBMW          BMW          BMW

But not only the Olympic Stadium and the BMW head office is impressive, also the natural scene here is nice! All together attracts a lot of people every day who visit this are, especially when the weather is nice! And even better, if you can pick up your new car here during a sunny day! I heard it is cheaper to buy directly from the “factory”- but then you have to drive home by yourself! hi hi… To be honest, I don’t know how to put all my impressions into words – but I can promise you, you will be astonished and you may have a problem to keep your lips closed…! Hi hi… So many things I would like to say, but there is not enough space here! So, in case you see me in Munich, please say “Hi”, or just contact me and we can share more about Munich or even more!

Bis Morgen!