BMW Museum

Have you ever been to BMW museum? I would say you should include this in your Munich trip. Personally, I’m not really into engines and stuffs but I still enjoy this place. And if you are student, you can buy the ticket at a concession price. The museum is located close to the Olympic Park. So, you can reach their by taking U1 train from Hauptbahnhof. It should take 10-15 minutes I think. I liked how the museum presents the history of BMW right from its start. You can also find lots of technology and modern car to enjoy.
Then, there are some cute cars that I really have to take photos with. Talk about the cute car, I have no idea how could this car possibly drive on the street. It’s just too small like a toy car. It can only carry 2 small passengers without a bag. I also spent an hour in the concept car section. I’d never that car’s body have to model from wood.
Alright, it is would my money and I’m not disappoint at all. If you plan to go to the museum, don’t forget to check the opening hour. I’m not 100% sure but I think is close on Monday.