Category Archives: Allgemein

What can be visited in Munich?

The question is very tourist and subjective. =) Of course, I like walking around the historical center, next to Marienplatz, but there are many other interesting places that I like. 

For example, opposite the Deutsches museum (which you must visit, it will be interesting to everyone) there is a Gothic cathedral, which resembles a castle, with two beautiful towers

Just next to this place is very cool to sit on the river bank on a sunny day. The river is also very beautiful and fast, called Isar. People say this is a mountain river and I willingly believe them. Also In the Englischer Garten. There is a fast river, so fast that in summer there are people surfing 0.o… 

In Munich, almost 90% of the streets are very beautiful and it’s nice to walk there. One of these streets is Nymphenburger Str. It is possible to exit this street from the city center as well. There are not many tourists and you can just see how people live in the city.

Olympia Tower seemed to me a bit boring, so I recommend going to the observation platforms in the center of the city is much more impressive. But if you have a lot of time, then I advise you to walk around the city without a map. You can accidentally find amazing things!


The more fun the better!

The learning process can be annoying, even if there is a great motivation to learn. A student may tire of a long lesson even if he is no longer a child.
Some people think when a student is older than the more serious lesson should be. It is not true.

We all want fun, we all want to enjoy what we do. We can also enjoy grammar if we got the right approach. Jokes, interesting stories, pictures and music, all this helps to go thru the material faster and more successfully.   

In Deutsch Akademie is always fun. We laugh with the teacher heartily, but what is important and also fun, often is on the topic of classes! 
And this is a double benefit. Also, for example, we always have a small conversation at the break. Such a spontaneous conversation is better than 10 exercises from the book. 

Although one detail about talking. Do not believe the teacher when he says that he (or she) will not correct you so that you would not be afraid to speak later. This means that the teacher himself is not 100% sure of his knowledge. Although this does not happen with teachers who is a native speaker. Therefore, it is indisputably better to learn a language with a native speaker than with just a good teacher, also for this reason.

Returning to the main topic of this blog once again I will say the main thing. With a positive approach, a challenging educational process can be an interesting adventure!

Do you have fun in class?


Meine Stadt

It has been exactly two months since I moved to Munich. The city is great and I am adapting very well to the new environment. Everyday I learn something here and fortunately I am able to help newcomers with my experience as well.
One of the first things that people ask when arriving in Munich is: how/ where do I find a home? The biggest pain in Munich is house as rentals are very expensive and it is difficult to get a place. So, my first advise would be to tell everyone you know that you are looking for an apartment and ask their help. Secondly, look up at German real estate websites, such as

Another issue for a newcomer could be networking. In this sense, I strongly recommend joining some groups in social medias like Facebook. For example, the “Munich International Friends” group is a nice starting point for you to ask questions and look for tips in general.
Moreover, there are some very useful websites to enrich your knowledge about the town, its culture and so on. I can name here the ones I find most informative and that I usually access: ( and Toytown Germany (
Last, but not least, the language! If you are not a German speaker, you should start studying German as soon as possible! Even though Munich is a very international city and many people can speak English, learning German is a must. Why? Because it will open more possibilities for you and help you integrate locally. Here, my tip for you would be to enroll in DeutschAkademie. 
To conclude, Munich is a beautiful city and it can treat you very well. If you are starting a new life here, I really hope you are able to enjoy the parks, the river, the beer gardens, the cultural activities and more! 



Bayerische Motoren Werke

Do you know that the biggest car manufacturer in Bayern started as an aircraft engines producer? 

The Bayerische Motoren Werke was founded in 1916 as a merge of three companies that made aircraft engines, airplanes and automobiles. After World War I, it’s became a company focused on motocycles and automobiles.

The BMW headquarters is in Munich. Its construction started in 1968 and was completed in 1972. The tower is 101 meters high with 22 floors and is located next to the Olympic Village. The building is a notable example of architecture, and it is shaped as four cylinders like in a car engine. 

Right there it is the BMW Museum, a fascinating place that holds more than 100 years of history. 

Also there in the campus is the BMW Welt, where the company showcases its many cars and offers an amazing experience to its visitors!

In Munich you definitely have to add to your tour guide visiting the BMW Welt and BMW Museum. Even if you don’t like cars or motorcycles, at least you should go for the architecture! And if you say you don’t like any of these, you still should go for the fascinating environment and then take a walk in the surroundings (Olympia Park)!

How to get there? Just take a U-Bahn to Olympiazentrum and you will face the huge BMW buildings. From Marienplatz you will take only 15 minutes to get there! 

The BMW Welt is opened from Monday to Saturday from 7:30AM to 12:00AM, and on Sundays from 9:00AM to 6:00PM. Yet, the BMW Museum is closed on Mondays and opened from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00AM to 6:00PM. For more details, you can check the website.

So, visiting the BMW is a great experience and I am sure you will be amazed with the tour! Hope you enjoy!



Why Deutsch?

I’d like to begin today’s post with a thought: it is never too late to learn. I am very curious and love learning about everything! In my case, I decided to learn German. It could be a New Year’s resolution or a thing in my bucket list, but actually for me it was a combination of need and want.

Need because I am living in Munich. I think it is important to my integration here. In other words, being able to communicate and acquiring a range of skills that can improve my life’s quality in both personal and professional environments. 

Want because German is relevant. It is the 3rd most widely language taught worldwide and it remains as the language with the most native speakers in Europe. Moreover, I want to be able to say the longest word “Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft” (just for fun!).

In this sense, I have enrolled for the German course in DeutschAkademie. I found out about the school through an advertisement in the U-Bahn, so I looked up for more information on the website and social media. Two main things made me choose DeutschAkademie:

1) The course is intense and focused, which is perfect for me to learn quick and with excellence;

2) Good reviews, as per general comments in social media. Besides, the course is in small groups, the teachers are great and the school is very neat and supportive to offer a unique experience to the students.

If you would like to learn a new language and/or if you are undecided on rather taking German classes or not, I strongly recommend you to start as soon as possible! 


Last day of class

Hi everyone, this is Juhee!

Today is the final day of our A1/2 course!

I thought a four-week course is too short, but it was not. Actually the time went really fast!

I met other students from many different countries in my class.

The thing that I liked the most in our German class was that I learned a lot of new vocabulary, the future tense, and how to use basic grammar for speaking.

It was fun to speak in German with classmates and we shared what we do after class or before we got to Germany.

It helped us get to know each other and we could share information about traveling and our hobbies too.

I brought some chocolates to share with classmates because when I read German it was hard for me to pronounce, but they helped me speak the right way and were very patient.

I had to work so I couldn’t stay until we finished the last class but we all shared our contact numbers and made a group chat to meet for coffee sometime soon.  

I really enjoyed writing about Deutsch Akademie and I will sign up for the next level, so maybe I can meet you guys in person at some point.

I think I made a really good decision to join Deutsch Akademie to learn German.

It is really a great location, the teacher was really friendly, and all the staff were very helpful.

I hope you guys enjoy Deutsch Akademie and Germany too!

Thank you!


Life in Munich

Hi everyone, this is Juhee!

Today I want to talk about where I live in Munich.

I also want to talk about the kinds of transportation you can take in Munich.

Actually I live in the middle of Munich. I think I am really lucky to have my place.

I live two minutes away from the main station called Hauptbahnhof and it takes me 10 minutes to walk to Deutsch Akademie.

Also, I am posting about the Oberpollinger building because that is where I work. It’s a luxury department store.

It is kind of fancy so most of the customers are tourists. I don’t have to speak German for work, but

I decided to study German because some of our customers are German and don’t speak English.

Also, I like to learn languages. If you want to go to Oberpollinger, you can get off at Karlsplatz, Marienplatz, or

Hauptbahnhof station. All of them take five minutes to walk there. It is also five minutes from our Deutsch Akademie too.

If you want to shop for make up, hand bags, or clothes you should go after class and check it out.

Sometimes we have promotions and sales.

I hope it helps you guys enjoy life in Munich.



Heute möchte ich über die Medizin in Deutschland und die Unterschiede zur russischen Medizin sprechen. Ich muss sagen, dass ich im Moment nicht arbeite, aber ich und mein Kind haben eine Krankenversicherung. In Russland gibt es auch staatliche Versicherungspolicen, für die einige Dienstleistungen in öffentlichen Kliniken kostenlos sind, aber alle Medikamente vollständig vom Patienten bezahlt werden müssen. Wenn Sie ein Rezept von einem Arzt haben, müssen Sie hier 5 oder 10 Euro für das Medikament zahlen, der Rest wird von der Versicherungsgesellschaft bezahlt.

Was mich wirklich gefreut hat, war die Tatsache, dass alle Kinderarzneimittel in Deutschland kostenlos sind und alle Leistungen durch die Versicherung abgedeckt sind. Das Niveau der Medizin ist in Deutschland viel höher als in Russland, und die Kliniken selbst sind moderner und mit guten medizinischen Geräten ausgestattet. In Russland ist die Qualität der medizinischen Leistungen in den verschiedenen Regionen unterschiedlich. In Moskau und St. Petersburg ist der medizinische Dienst viel qualifizierter als in anderen russischen Städten, die Krankenhäuser sind mit moderneren Geräten ausgestattet. In Deutschland können Sie keine Medikamente ohne Rezept kaufen, in Russland können Sie alle Medikamente in einer Apotheke ohne Rezept kaufen. Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich die Möglichkeit habe, mich in Deutschland ärztlichen Untersuchungen zu unterziehen und nicht in Russland.

Where do you want to go for coffee or a drink in Munich? :)

This place is called Cotidiano! It is really close to Deutsch Akademie. When I want to have lunch or some coffee with friends I usually go here. My favorite food is grilled salmon with Salad and Johannisberry juice (mixed with water). I go here very often after class or whenever I want to meet friends.

This place is really cozy and sometimes it is very sunny. Also lots of  young fashionable people come here to eat or drink.

The most important part is that all the foods are very fresh and AMAZING!!!

I have a lot of vegetarian and vegan friends in Munich and they also love to eat at Cotidiano because they serve vegetarian food like salad bowls and pizza.

Also, if you are not vegan you can still eat a steak sandwich and other dishes with meat. After eating or drinking you can walk to Marienplatz or Kalsplatz to shopping or just walk around. I hope lots of people try Cotidiano and have a good time. :)


Learning German is fun!

Let us know what you have experienced together. :)

Today in class we learned about the past tense !

We talked about meeting friends and how we spend our leisure time with them.  We asked questions in German like “Did you meet friends at DeutschAkademie?” and “If yes – do you spend your leisure time with them?” We practiced making natural sentences in the past tense describing what we did. We also talked about our experiences before we lived in Germany and the hobbies that we like to do. We practiced asking and answering these questions. This lesson prepared to me share more about my experiences using the past tense. This class not only prepared me to communicate in German, but it also to know more about people from other countries. Like Italy, America, Australia, France, Korea and Russia. We are very looking forward to meet tomorrow in the class at DeutschAkademie.
