Category Archives: Allgemein

German food

Hola ! Esta semana estoy muy ocupada . Desde que comencé mi curso de alemán en DeutscheAkademie, algo cambió…

Comiendo en alemán

Hi! I’m very busy this week. Since I started my German course at DeutscheAkademie, something changed…

Amanezco estudiando alemán, almuerzo estudiando alemán…

Despertando en alemán

I study German at dawn, I study German at lunch…

Y al final de la semana: entré a la “Bäckerei” local,saludé al empleado (y me respondió !, es decir que me entendió ),le pedí el pan que me gusta…y me lo dió !…,.pedí pagar con “debit karte bitte” y luego me despedí, deseándole “Schönen Tag”…  En una semana estoy logrando comenzar a COMUNICARME en este hermoso idioma, que es divertido de aprender, justamente por su complejidad, que es el idioma de mis abuelos y bisabuelos: el esfuerzo tiene su recompensa !. Me voy a estudiar…

Pastel de papa otro cruce de costumbres

And at the end of the week: I went to the local “Bäckerei”, I greeted the employee (and he replied !, meaning that he understood me ), I asked him for the bread I like…and he gave it to me !…, I asked to pay with “debit karte bitte” and then I said goodbye, wishing him “Schönen Tag”…  In a week I have managed to start COMMUNICATING MYSELF in this beautiful language, which is fun to learn, precisely because of its complexity, which is the language of my grandparents and great-grandparents: the effort has its reward! I’m going to study…


Christmas markets in Munich

Tollwood church

Hola! Es costumbre aquí comenzar a celebrar Navidad y fiestas de fin de año desde comienzos de diciembre …En cada barrio de München hay un mercado de Navidad: la música, aromas y decoración invitan a reunirse con amigos allí y generan un ambiente muy especial, como de “cuento de Navidad ” o “de hadas”. Me llevaron al Tollwood:

Tollwood church

Hola! It is custom here to start celebrating Christmas and New Year’s Eve from the beginning of December …In every district of Munich there is a Christmas market: music, scents and decoration invite to meet friends there and create a very special atmosphere, like “Christmas fairy tale” or “fairy tale”. I was invited  to Tollwood:

Y al de Moosach :

And Moosach:

Y cuando me perdí viajando en el U3: aparecí en el de Marienplatz: Continúo pensando que es muy conveniente  pederse en München! ha, ha, ha !

Marienplatz se prepera para Navidad

And when I got lost travelling on the U3: I appeared on the Marienplatz: I continue thinking that it is very convenient to get lost in Munich! ha, ha, ha, ha!

Marienplatz se prepera para Navidad

Cheers, Silvina :)

Die kulinarische Vielfalt Bayerns

Die Menschen, die in Bayern leben, könnten nicht unterschiedlicher sein. Es gibt Pfälzer, Bayern, Franken und Schwaben. Und so unterschiedlich ihre Kulturen sind, so unterschiedlich sind auch ihre Geschmäcker in Sachen Essen und Trinken. Im Süden isst man gern Weißwürste, Kaiserschmarrn und Käsespätzle und trinkt dazu eine Maß Helles (Bier).

Im Norden hingegen serviert man deftige Bratwürste mit Sauerkraut, süße Nürnberger Lebkuchen und greift lieber zu einem guten Glas Weißwein. Allen gemein ist jedoch die Gastfreundlichkeit in den traditionellen und urigen Wirtschaften. Man geht offen mit internationalen Gästen um und freut sich, wenn diese die einheimischen Köstlichkeiten probieren. Und wem die meist üppigen Male zu schwer im Magen liegt, dem empfiehlt der Wirt stets gern einen flüssigen Verdauer.

Lina ;)

Das wetter

How is the weather in Munich?

We are still in Autumm but winter is coming, for sure.

I arrived the first week of October and it was quiet cold -comparing to Spain. But it was the most beautiful time so far. The landscape was so beautiful, with this shiny green colour and a special yellow.

I enjoyed so much walking around looking at the trees. And that is something we talked about in the course because most of us were stunned by it (the teacher was surprised hahaha).

After some days, the leaves started to fall, and that was also so nice since I really could feel they autumm.

Now, the weather is much colder and some days it snow. It is so beautiful to see the mountains with the white tops and I can’t wait to see the city white.

See you in the next post,

Chiara 😊


I think that one of the best and most difficult decisions I’ve made is deciding to live in another country. Being away from your family and friends in a country completely unknown to you, without speaking the language are enough reasons to be afraid. For me the fears still do not disappear completely, but every day I confirm that it has been my best decision, because I feel braver, able to achieve my dreams, I also found love 9000 km away from my hometown.

These have been some of my experiences in this beautiful adventure of living far from my country. I hope you learned something from my favorite city (Munich) or at least you had fun with my stories.



At this time, they already know that learning German was not very easy for me at the beginning, but one of the great advantages of DeutschAkademie is the pluskurs. Every Friday for me represents a small grammar summary of the week, exercises that allow you to practice what you see in class and the opportunity to clarify your question and of course talk in class, losing the fear of speaking and being able to practice pronunciation. I feel that this course was my lifeguard in the first moments at the beginning of language learning.


Munich and its suburbs


I did talk about how many beautiful cities Munich have nearby in a post earlier.

Indeed, last weekend I went to Innsbruck by bus (only 2 hours) and it was sooooo nice.

But today I want to point the beautiful landscapes we have in the suburbs of Munich.

Some weeks ago I visited a lake with my host family that is only 30 minutes (by car) away. I believe you can also reach it by public transportation.

My visit was at the end of October so the amazing colours I could see were so impressive to me: a stunning green was everywhere.

There are many lakes in the nearby and most of them reachable by Sbahn. This kind of landscapes are beautiful here in Bavaria and a nice way to disconnect of your daily routine and the city.

See you in the next post,

Chiara 😊


The first word that I hear every time when I say I am from Colombian is “cocaine”, and I think it is a fame that Colombia has acquired thanks to its famous soap opera about cocaine and drugs, which is very far from reality. There is a song famous in Colombia that describe this perfect “De aquí se habla mal, pero todo está mucho mejor”.

Colombia is a country privileged by nature, with thousands of heavenly places. Bogota it’s the capital, cold and rainy, but with lovely places influenced by Spanish colonial architecture. Bogota has a botanical garden, which sometimes makes night tours full of lights.

Colombia is also one of the richest countries in biological and cultural diversity in the world, that diversity is represented in 59 natural areas belonging to the System of Natural National Parks, one of them Tayrona Park. Perfect for lovers of adventure, the sea, and the contemplation of beautiful landscapes. His temperature is between 25ºC and 32ºC, with a great variety of birds, lizards, corals, mangroves, lagoons and huge rocks.

 In the Tayrona National Natural Park, there are holy sites that must be protected and respected as part of the cultural heritage of mankind.

 And to finally fall in love with my country, food is the best, that’s what I miss most about being far from my country. Colombia has a great variety of fruits and vegetables. For this reason, the basis of Colombian food is fresh and natural products that mixed with a touch of love allow us to have different, colorful and tasty dishes.


The Germans are unfriendly? That’s just a myth

Colombians and many Latin-American people believe that Germans are unfriendly people, but this is just one more myth. I remember that my first impression of the Germans was completely different, they are very friendly, if for example you ask them something in English about a place you don’t know or how to get by U-Bahn, because like me in the first few days you don’t understand the names of the stations they will help you.

But to learn that, this is only one of the many myths that surround the Germans you must live an experience either as a tourist, student, or worker in a German city.

The attitude of the inhabitants of Munich for how little I have been able to live is a very friendly attitude.

Cheers, Lina ;)


In January I was in Malta for 6 weeks to improve my level of English, and I discovered a small country in Europe with many charms.

Being a small country it is very easy to travel. You can go from Medina to Valetta by bus for only 1.50 euros. My favorite places are:

  • Medina: it has beautiful palaces and religious buildings of the middle ages.
  • Marsaxlokk: located south of Valletta, it is the most important fishing port on the island, and the perfect place to discover the culinary charm of Maltese food. There you can see the traditional wooden boats painted in various colors: blue, green, red, yellow.
  • Blue Grotto: it is a series of sea caves, where you can contemplate the wonderful and diferents colors of the Malta Sea.
  • Saint Peter’s Pool: is a natural pool that is located near Marsaxlokk.
  • Gozo: it is an island smaller than Malta, to get there you must take a Ferry.

Malta is a lovely island with fascinating places. If you are in Europe do not miss the opportunity to visit places like this.

Cheers, Lina :)