Class A1/2

The class room is in good size for 10 participants. Most of my classmates are in the age of 20-30. Two of them came from Spain and others came from different countries e.g. USA, Japan, Italy, Greece, Romania, Serbian etc. I’m not brave enough to take ask them to take photo on the first day. I will try to make it by the end of the course ^_^. My teacher is Marion. She is impressed me how she can remember all her student’s names and details. The first day lesson is about occupations “Berufe”. Apart from the occupations on the book, Marion asked our occupation by W-Fragen for example “Was machst du?”, “Was ist dein berufe?”, “Wo Arbeitest du?” and she helps us to translate our occupation to German if we don’t know the words. There are more lessons about business card and making sentence for each occupation. For example, a hairdresser is cut hairs in the hair salon. (Ein Frisör / Eine Frisörin Schneidet Haare in the Frisör salon.) Can you imagine how many new vocabularies we learned for the first day? ^_^