Colorful Wall Notes

Colorful Wall Notes

I just came back home from the crowded U-Bahn (subway). Today the S-Bahn (fast train) had a major problem – so many people had to change the system to use the U-Bahn. But I guess this is just a small problem comparing to next Tuesday, when the whole public traffic will be on strike (I heard this on the radio today). They have been on strike just a couple of weeks ago. I don’t understand why they do like that. As far as I know, last year, the government increased their salary already, and at the moment, with the global economic crisis, we have to be happy if we can keep our jobs! Maybe their salary is so low compare with normal income? Anyway, I feel happy with everything; some little changes also can make life more fun! Hi hi… I am sure we have to discuss on Monday how we can manage to study on Tuesday as some of my friends live far outside of Munich.

(Good news update about the strike! Last Sat, they said that they found a solution for this problem. So there will not be a strike on Tues anymore !:-)

So, let’s go back to the main story. Do you remember, some days ago I wrote about “the notes on the wall in my class room” (on my first day in school). I was sure that one day there will be my notes on this wall, and today is that day! Hi hi…

Colorful Wall Notes Colorful Wall Notes Nina is working on it Notes of Isabel & Teji!

In the posted pictures, you can see our notes on the wall, written on colorful papers. Today our teacher introduced us to a new grammar – the Perfect Tense. As this topic was totally new to us, our teacher offered us to play a game with all those nice notes on the wall. This game helped us to understand the grammar much easier, without stress, and it helped us to remember it easily. Once I read in a scientist article, that the colorful paper is more attractive to us – as a result we like to look on them, and they also help us to remember things easier and longer.

Even my writing on my notes is not so nice (I prefer to type on the keyboard of my computer… hi hi…), but it is a good memory of a good lesson with lot of fun and very helpful for us in studying Deutsch!

2 thoughts on “Colorful Wall Notes

  1. RaiulBaztepo

    Hello!Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language ;)See you!Your, Raiul Baztepo

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