Das ist mein. Nein, das ist mein! Ruhig sein!

Last week we proceeded into the wonderful depths of the German language, learning every day a bit more. Our conversation begin to be a bit more complex than: “Hallo ich heiße Filippo, woher kommst du?”

For example last Freitag we started to play around with possessiv pronouns like mein, unser, ihre etc. We also learnt (ok I must have put the quotation marks around “learnt”, but hey we are getting there!) the imperative. Pretty useful I must admit if you need to order people to do stuff for you!

Es ist kalt, kannst du bitte das Fenster zumachen? (kind of more relaxed way)
Es is SEHR kalt, mach das Fenster zu, bitte! (bossy style which basically mean “move your a** and close the bloody window!)

Surprisingly I found more similarities with Italian than expected!

Bis bald!
