
Wednesday 6 July,
In German, there are 3 types of article in normal form which is der, die, and das. On A1/1 class I have learned that every noun has their own article and we have to memorize it along with the words. For example Der stuhl, Die Tafel, Das Auto. Today lesson is Dativ. My understanding is any Noun after Proposition is considered to change their normal article form.
Der /Das are changed to Dem. Die is changed to Der.

Nominative Der Tisch Die Maus Das Telefon
Dativ Dem Tisch Der Maus Dam Telefon

For example,
Der Dunken ist auf dem Tisch und neben dem Telefon.
Die Tastatur ist vor der Maus
Please note: the red texts are noun after proposition (Dativ).

The key to be able to use Dativ correctly is to always remember articles along with the words. I have homework to write about 10-15 sentences using Dativ. Helpfully I will gain more understanding on this topic.