So a funny thing happened in class today. It’s quite the anomaly. I happened to notice how we all sat in the same places every single day. No matter who turned up late or early, we all sat in our very own designated places. We all got talking about this in class today and it was quite the fun discussion.

A lot of us seemed to agree how we feel safe in our self-designated spots. It’s like our bubble. We get to feel safe while we dangle our legs quaveringly into German. It’s quite the food for thought isn’t it? How we all are humans at the end of the day and how we all are afraid and shy and want to feel safe and are afraid of changes? Made me realize no matter how different we all look and sound, at the end of the day we’re all the same. We each have the same amount of fears and worries that hold us back. Just remember everyone feels the same when they’re trying something new and tread forward.

Bis bald