Online German course – for free!

Class 1B, 6 to 9pm.September 16, 2009I showed up in class without completing my homework again. I must admit it is not easy to juggle a full-time job and going to classes at night, especially when I don’t really have time during the day to review the materials taught in the previous day. Also, after a full day of work in an English speaking environment, I find it quite difficult to concentrate in class, and get my brain to think German. The only time I can catch up is during the weekends, and that means I would always be behind my classmates. The school has been very helpful and forwarded me this site for an online German course which offers a grammar trainer and over 20,000 exercises.It is barely 2 weeks and we are in lesson 9 already. This class is definitely intensive and unlike 1A, it does require more time studying and less time in the biergarten (not that I have the time to go there)!