Der Die Das

Today reminded me of how different German is from my native language. In English we only have one definite article and indefinite article ‘THE’ and ‘A’ and they don’t change according to the gender of the nouns. To start, we don’t even have gender for objects. For instance, in German its ‘Die Lampe’ and we use the bestimmter Artikel ‘Die’ because Lampe is feminine but in English it would just be ‘The lamp’. So it was a lot to be working with when I started learning German but now I’ve noticed how weird it feels to mess up the gender and article of inanimate objects =D. I’m hoping that’s a sign that my German is improving =)

Thankfully, our Lehrerin has also given us pointers and extra notes to help us pull through it.
The most frustrating part of learning a language is sometimes not knowing how to put across what’s in your mind. And once I’ve figured it out, I keep forgetting I need to declinate by adjectives and Nomen =). But I do have a tiny hope that maybe, just maybe, someday I might be able to speak German without having to think so much. Maybe it’ll come from the heart like it does for every native speaker of German. Till then, I´m going to be working with my tiny notes that I always carry around =D
