Erstes und Letztes

Like the saying goes “Second place is the first loser”. Well if you going to say that in German you will have to know the words. They go like erste, zweite, dritte etc as you can see in the picture. This is also used in referring to dates like 25th of July would be fünfundzwanzigsten Juli. So in a sentence you use is as

Mein Geburtstag ist am achtundzwanzigsten Januar.

So that was fairly straight forward. We started discussing how kids express love for their parents. In German you say

Ich habe dich lieb
Ich mag dich (in bavaria)

to your parents or anyone else and

Ich liebe dich

only to your boyfriend/girlfriend. So, there is quite a difference in those two and you don’t want to be assuming wrong things when someone says something along those lines to you 😉
