Essen I

Today lessen is about food. In the class the teacher have given us lot of vocabularies and I have to memories as tomorrow we will have to do a roll play to be a food buyer and seller in our class.
How I remember words is categorizing the food. For example
das Obst (fruit)

die Erdbeere (strawberry), die Preiselberre (cranberry), die Blaubeere/ die Heidelbeere (blueberry), die Kirsche (cherry), die Himbeere(raspberry)

die Banane (banana), die Ananas (pineapple), die Orange (orange),

die Melone (melon), die wassermelone (watermelon), die Homigmelone (honeydew melon, rock melon)

die Zitrone (lemon), die Limone (lime),die Tomate (tomato)

der Apfel (apple),

Note: most of article for fruits is “die” except der Apfel. I don’t know why but that the way it is.
das Gemüse (Vegetable)

die Kartoffel (potato), die Karotte/die Möhre (carrot), die Paprika, die gurke (cucumber), die sojasprossen (beansprouts), die zwiebel (onion), die Lauchzwiebel (spring onion)

der Knoblauch (garlic), der Brokkoli (broccoli), der Spargel (asparagus), der Kohl (cabbage), der Blumenkohl (cauliflower)
For vegetable, if you are in Munich you have to try the white asparagus. This is a special vegie in summer. I peeled and boiled. Then have it with Hollandaise sauce. So nice !!!
This is pretty much of what I sew from a market in Munich. I will come back and write more of meat and milk product tomorrow :)
I have homework to give 5 names of food from my country in German. I might have to show my friends a photo as well for them to understand :)