Exam time

We had a test today to recapitulate what we had learned so far. It included a lot of the grammar that we learned in A1. The first question was about using sein or ihr based on the subject being male or female and also if it was nominative or akkusative.

The next question was with prepositions for dativ with den/der/den definite forms or with einem/einer indefinite forms. The questions were also testing if we remembered the gender of the subject.

Questions with personal pronouns with dativ such as mir/dir/ihm/ihr/uns/euch/ihnen or with akkusative such as mich/dich/ihn/es/sie/uns/euch/sie and recognizing whether to use the singular or plural forms. Filling out some sentences with the normal/comparative/superlative form of the verbs.

Then we had to organize sentences by using the correct forms of the verbs based on whether it was a staement with verb in the 2nd position or a question with Wann/Warum. Also, we had to arrange sentences with denn and weil in the middle of a sentence as well as the ones starting with Weil which was the last topic we learned.

All in all, this was a nice overview test which all round questions. There are plenty of other exercises in the book as well for further practice.
