Furniture Shopping at Deutsch Akademie

Another boiling hot day here in Munich.  It’s a good job we have a fan in our classroom!Today we carried on with ‘Artikel Akkusativ’ – i.e. verbs, subjects and objects.  It’s very different to English and I’m finding it complicated, but I think I’m getting the hang of it.  Bettina had put together some little comic strip pictures for us all, and we had fun going through each one identifying the ‘subject’ and the ‘object’.  For example, in the next few sentences the suject is highlighted in bold and the object is in CAPITALS.Der Mann bestellt EINEN KAFFEE (The man orders a coffee)Die Frau tanzt (The women dances)Die Waschmaschine wäscht DIE KLEIDUNG (The washing machine washes the clothes)Following this, we also learnt that the only articles that change when there’s a subject and an object in a sentence is the masculine article – der.We then did some more shopping (hurrah!).  Pretend of course, but still fun.  We stuck pictures of household items (sofas, chairs, rugs etc), got into pairs then walked around the shop (well, classroom) asking our partners what they thought of the item.  Me and my partner bought a lovely rug ;)


By the end of the lesson the skies had turned black and a thunder storm looked imminent – something that can happen quite suddenly when you’re this close to the alps.  I raced home on my bike (along with the rest of Munich!) and just made it before a spectacular storm.  Now, we definitely don’t get those in England…