It’s our last week this week (sob!) and only three lessons to go because of the public holiday. We’ve had two public holidays during our course, so we still have a lot to get through.Today we did a lot of work on sentences with me/we/you/he/she and verbs in them. e.g. ‘kaufst du uns ein Eis?'(‘Can we buy an ice cream?). It’s tricky, but with a lot of practice it should be fine. We did quite a bit today, including a fun ‘swapping’ game where we had to ask each other if we had certain items for a 1) round the world trip, 2) enquiring about a fridge, 3) making a sandwich, or 4) watching TV.At the end of the lesson we were asked to write a story about a picture in our work books. It’s a very simple story (we are only beginner’s after all!), but here it is: :)Die Mutter und das Kind gehen in den Supermarkt. Das Kind moechte Sueßigkeiten, aber die Mutter sagt: ‘Nein, Ich habe kein Geld’. Das Kind weint. Die Mutter ist traurig, weil sie keine Zeit hat. Es sind viele Leute an der Kasse, weil die Kasse nicht funktioniert. Die Kassiererin ist nervoes.:)