Grammar Genius

Germans love their rules and probably that’s why they made sure that their language is also full of rules. However, I think, if you speak more than one language, then Learning German becomes easier. For instance, in my case, Urdu (a language that’s a combination of Arabic and Persian) is my mother tongue and it has articles for every object (like German) so the concept of having an article makes perfect sense to me but unfortunately masculine objects in Urdu aren’t necessarily masculine in German and the other way around so It’s only half a help :)

Luckily, my teacher in A2.2 is also extremely knowledgeable and patient. She ensures that every student gets the concept before she moves on and this helps keeping all her students on one page. We call her the Grammar Genius.

So after our today’s dose of grammar, I am even more convinced that to learn German, one has to properly learn it from a teacher and by taking intensive courses till at least B1.1.

I know it sounds like too much of a work but professionals like me need this language to survive in German job market.

Fun Fact: English job market in Germany is Only 3% which means ‘‘a lot of competition“. So your best bet is to learn the language of the country you are in and learn it properly !!! Strive to be a Grammar genius yourself :)
