Ich hätte gern

If you ask me what I miss the most from back home. It’s the Arabisch food. I grew up on that cuisine and probably that’ll be what I ask for as my last bite when i hit the good o’l old ages of mine. That’s how much this food is a part of me. So when I moved here, a little birdie mentioned it to me how Germany had one of the best durum and kebabs ever tasted.  And I remember scoffing at them saying nothing beats what I’ve had back at home. Well, I moved here and got a taste of this durum right beside our DeutschAkademie and it made me realize that everything doesn’t need to be better than the other. You just need to open your mind to new flavors and new experiences and so I did and I got to taste this amazing explosion of nostalgic and yet new Arabisch cuisine flavors just because I decided to open myself up. The same applies to learning German. It is a difficult ride and often you just don’t want to cross that bumpy road of things your brains still is comprehending but hang on, take a bite and see how much it was worth that effort.
