today we discuss about the Ferngesehen-gern gesehen.i enjoy this thema.the teacher teach well.and the topic is a little komedy.this thema has this form passiv mit ´´werden”oder”sein”:the teacher had every students a copy of this form.präsen,präteritum,perfect,plusquamperpekt,futur1 and she make a test to us.for me this thema is not dificult.coz the teacher is very criative,and she write many example to the student.i hope this teacher is my teacher again in my next course.and after the class i have a friend she invite me to come her hause.this hause is her hause simple but beuatiful.and she told me about the living conditions here in deutschland.ja!she said that many people in these country dream of owning their own home,but he majority live in rented space.due to the relatively high density of population,rents are expensive in germany.In the conurbations like Munich,berlin,Düsseldortand Hamburg,the rent are even higher,and barely affordable for young families,people on low wages and the unemployed.those seeking a hause have their workcut out for them.Real state agents charge huge commissions for arranging accommodation(usually 2 months rent)An alternative for some is a Wohngemeinschaft,..several people share an apartment.In large cities and university cities there are Mitwohnzentralen,where house-and roommates can be found.that all today…and godbless you all……bis morgenhazel