Food is something that connects people from all over the world. I have never met someone who I can’t connect over food. The day just gets so much easier with a tummy full of good yummylicious food devoured. That got us talking and in our class we all took an informal poll over must try foods/delicacies of Germany. The first thing that every spoke about was the warm buttery pretzels or butter pretzels as they’re called here. And I have to admit, nothing beats it if you ask me. I could eat it all day long =D. Another much spoken about specialty of Munich was beers. I was told it would be a shame if I didn’t take advantage of something of the beautiful golden cold drink to wash down a day. We all knew where you’ll be seeing at =D. And let’s not forget the Currywurst, a much popular delicacy of Germany. So Currywurst is just a simple and yet mind-blowing dish consisting of Wurst (sausages), smothered in gravy along with potatoes. I’m pretty sure a lot of people are going to be hungry after reading this blog post =D. And to top it all up, the desserts have to be spoken up. For that we all unanimously voted for the Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte or popularly known as Black Forest Cake.  A trip to Germany is not complete without digging into some scrumptious layers of soft chocolate cake and whipped cream. Let’s just say, I know where everyone is heading off to today…to eat all of this goodness =D.

Bis Bald!
