My goal!

My studying

So finally there is only one day left i will finish my German course here in DeutschAkademie! I feel kind of strange in my mind at the moment, it is the mix of some different feelings. I feel quite sad because i have to leave my classmates and my teacher, i would like to take the next course like my classmates do, but it is impossible for me because i have to go back to Vietnam (i have time limited with my travel visa this time). I wish that i can do it at the end of this year, when i can go back to Munich again. I am very happy and satisfy with my result from this course. I don´t mean so much about the good mark (i have never had maximum mark in my tests, LOL), what make i feel happy and satisfy here is how i spend my time here in Munich, in my course and what i can get, what i can reach from this course. I got a lot, studied a lot from here, and it is so good that i could spend my time here in a very effective way, it was only one month and i can see that my German improve so quickly! Thanks a lot to my teacher, my classmates, to DeutschAkademie and people who work here, who support for me during my studying! Big thanks to my mom, my dad … etc (just kidding, i am not going to make it here like in Oscar Nomination, ha! Hi hi…)


Today my class will go out together to the „Alter Peter“. It is a high tower of a church in the center of the city (very close with my school); and from the top of this tower, we can have the view of Munich! I am looking forward so much about it, as i am happy to go out with my class, also because i have never been inside of this tower, so i am quite curious, hi hi… I will upload more pictures tomorrow!

See u very soon!