My second Deutsch entry: “Vietnam – Mein Land”

So, I was talking a lot about some nice and relaxing places here in Munich, ha! I think now we should focus a little bit more on studying – let´s save the entertainment for tomorrow afternoon (as it will be almost weekend at that time), do you agree? This morning, when I saw my friend Priyanka registering for the next course, I just realized that almost 3 weeks past already, and in just one more week I will finish level 1B! I am so happy that I have had the chance to take my course here, as I learned a lot from this course – from intensive “Grammatik” to extended practice skills (listening, speaking and writing). I am especially thankful to my teacher, who teaches me a lot during my studies here! As I told you, before I am going to class, I often read the next lessons to understand, what we are going to talk about, especially about the “Grammatik”. And the following day, my teacher helped me to understand the lesson and grammar – so everything became clearer! If I look back, I realize how much we learned already. Now I know more about “Akkusative”, “Dativ”, “Trennbare Verben”, “Possessiv-Artikel”, “Modalverben”, “Präteritum”, “Perfekt”, “Komparativ”, “Superlative” …und so weiter! It is a lot, right?

When we understand more about the basic “Grammatik”, our teacher offers us more writing exercises, to practice more in our class or at home. I really love this, when I can work on this kind of exercise. My brain gets much better challenged with writing exercises, than with “Fill in the blank” or “Multiple choices exercise”, etc.  With writing exercises, I have to think more about “Grammatik”, about the correct words and the right positions within the sentence. To be honest, sometimes I also feel lazy to write. But as soon as I start to work on it, I can finish it soon and remember what I have studied better! In this entry, I would like to combine another of my writing exercises. We have to write about our own countries, so this is a chance for me to introduce a little bit with you about Vietnam – my country; and my city – Saigon! (I know that my Deutsch is not perfect at the moment, but I just try. He he…)

MEIN LAND – VIETNAMMein Land - Vietnam

Dieser Text ist nicht nur die Hausaufgabe. Ich möchte Ihnen ein bisschen über mein Land schreiben :-)

Vietnam liegt in Südostasien. Es grenzt an Kambodscha, Laos und China. Wir haben eine ganz lange Bergkette vom Norden bis in den Süden. Der Osten von Vietnam liegt am Meer. Wir haben viele Flüsse, die  von dem Berg in das Meer fließen. Es gibt vier große Städte in Vietnam, Hanoi ist die Hauptstadt, aber Saigon (order auch Ho Chi Minh City) ist die größte Stadt, es hat rund 9 Millionen Einwohner. Unsere Wirtschaft besteht aus der Landwirtschaft, der Industrie und dem Handel. Heute sind die Industrien sind am wichtigsten. Unsere Spezialitäten sind der Reis, Tee, Kaffe, Paprika und die Fischsoße.

Das größte Volksfest von Vietnam ist das Lunar New Year Fest (Neumondjahr?), das im Februar statt findet. Viele Touristen reisen wegen diesem Fest nach Vietnam. Sie kommen aber auch aus anderen Gründen; z.B. mögen viele die vietnamesische Natur, das schöne Wetter, die Strände, die Flüsse, das Essen, aber auch die Geschichte… Möchten Sie in Ihrem nächsten Urlaub nach Vietnam reisen?