Prüfung morgen!

Tomorrow we will take our big test! So naturally, today was our Review day in which we have reviewed all of the concepts covered within the past 4 weeks. I must say, the hardest thing about German that I cannot grasp what Dative, Akkustativ, or Nominative is, as I did not have to learn that in English. And so it becomes frustrating that SO much in German depends on these cases, especially if it is “der” “den” oder “dem” for just the masculine case! And it makes me THAT much slower when I speak German, because not only do I have to think about what the word is, what preposiiton goes with the verb, if the verb is akk or dat, and if the noun is der, die or das, but also what case it is! So hopefully I can grasp this soon!800px-flag_of_germanysvg.png