Sprechen Sie Bayerisch

We are learning Deutsch but this does not mean that we will be able to understand what people say in all parts of Germany. According to wiki, Germany has 35 different dialects! That’s a lot of dialects considering the size of Germany.

We had a lot of trouble describing how our classmates live their life as you can see from all the scribbles in the kursbuch. For examples when asked “Isst du jeden Tag Obst?” the answer should be “Sie isst jeden Tag Obst”. The switch between jeden Tag and Obst is correct (for some reason). But this is not the case when asked “Wie oft machst du Sport”. The answer describing your classmate should be “Sie macht Sport jede Woche”. So now it is in the back :O

With the “noch nie” we had a more consistent form such as
“Sie ist noch nie in die Sauna gegangen.” and “Sie hat noch nie Kaffee getrunken.“

This was surprising that in our class very few people drank Kaffee but it was good that most people lebst gesund. I think that’s a very classic feature of big cities that most people tend to live a more healthy life except for when it comes to drinking haha
