People often ask me what is the hardest thing when you move places. When I moved down to Munich, I was really apprehensive and it got a little accelerated when I swayed down to the nearest Edeka near my place to search for some all-purpose flour to bake some croissants. And to say I was overwhelmed is an understatement. I still remember walking down the aisles looking for anything remotely resembling flour. And to my surprise I came across a multitude of numbers and I stood there thinking-Whaaaat? I’m pretty sure I was quite a sight to see.

In Dubai, it is quite easy. You just walk into the grocery store, pick up that bag of All purpose flour and take it home and bake away whatever your hear desires.  However when you move to Germany and you go to find that bag of All purpose Flour, I wish you good luck because you’re going to be looking at a lot of numbers.  Now the good news is it’s not just you so you can relax there. I’m pretty sure everyone who moved to Germany thought the same when they went down the aisle to get themselves some All purpose flour =D. For all my newbies into the world of baking, Die Zahlen kennen ist sehr wichtig. So if you’re looking out to bake yourselves some cakes and pastries or a yummylicious pie crust, you need to be looking out for TYPE 405. Now if you’re dreaming about cookies and muffins, TYPE 550 is your go to. And for all my pretzel and chewy texture lovers, TYPE 812 is your boy =D.

It’s funny isn’t it? How different things are around different parts of the world. I guess life is really interesting when you travel =D.
