Unicorn Apartment

Finding an apartment in Germany is the toughest. It’s like searching for a unicorn. You want it to desperately exist so you keep searching away =D. Today my vocabulary has grown by a little because we were learning about the most commonly used words you see in the Anzeige for an Apartment. We also peeked into the ‘Abkürzungen’ of these words too. So if we’re looking at Zimmer, the abkürzungen is ‘Zi’, or we’re looking out for shared apartments, the word you need to be looking out for is ‘Wohngemeinschaft(Whg.). I’ve noticed how much of a mountain German is but as you keep climbing, you start getting closer to the peak. Im going to be going out and using my new found vocabulary to help me find by unicorn Apartment =D.

Another interesting thing we looked into is relativepronomen and Relativsatz im Dativ. So if we were to say “This is the man I helped”. It is „Das ist der Mann, dem ich geholfen habe“. Here dem represents the Man and in dative the article for masculine is dem so since we are continuing to talk about him in dative, Der Mann becomes Dem and the verb goes to the end of the sentence as it is a relativsatz. That’s a lot of things to be looking out for but trust me, it does get better =D.
