Unser Kurs ist fertig

Liebe Leute,

Leider muss ich sagen, dass unser Deutschkurs fertig ist. Ja, genau, time flies!
And this is our last week of classes for our current German courses. However, you know you can always keep progress in your learning, there are plenty of courses at several times offered by the Deutsch Akademie. It´s a lot what one can learn in the courses, it is a lot of information and it is always important to keep practicing and studying.

Remember that learning is a never-ending process. There are also many apps and useful tools to facilitate learning; nowadays, it is kind of impossible to say you don’t have the time, the money or the access to learning material!

Remember also that you are responsible for your learning and your progress, all this depend in a big part from yourself, so keep trying and studying, do not quit; learning a new language requires time and dedication.

I wish you the best in your journey!
