Willkommen in Glückstadt

One more week in the bag and the last one to go, woohoo! In a way I can’t wait for the classes to finish so I can have some break from German and can revise all the material we covered. Also, there are tons of unfinished exercises in the kursbuch and arbeitsbuch which I could finish.

We did sentences with “dürfen” in which the rules are stated. For addressing people, its preferred to use “man” instead of “Leute” or “Menschen”. So, a typical sentence for saying you should not walk in the bicycle lane would be

„Man darf nicht auf dem Fahrradweg gehen.“

Or to say people shouldn’t smoke in a restaurant it should be

„Man darf nicht im Restaurant rauchen.“

We also did normal, comparative and superlative adjectives. The superlative is easy since you only have to add “-sten” at the end of the adjective. It’s a little more complicated for the comparative since you have to see what the word ends with. Adjectives ending with “el” get “ler” at the end like dunkler and the ones ending with “er” replaces the “er” with “rer” like teurer. Monosyllabic adjectives get “er” at the end and also an Umlaut like größer. Ich wünsche euch ein schönes Wochenende.
