Woher Kommen Sie?

One of the most frequently used lines in German classes are ‘Wer bist du’? und ‘Woher kommst du?’. And I use it religiously because it allows me to know a little about the person and get to know about their countries and the lifestyle. Moving to Germany has truly opened my eyes and ears to so many new notions. And not to forget, learning a new language is also doing the same for me. I’m still pretty bad at German but nothing beats that sense of accomplishment when the other person, usually a poor German fellow who has to listen to my German, understands what I’m saying. If I could get away with doing the salsa in front of people, I’d be doing that to celebrate =D.

I love the questions that follow up once someone asks me ‘Woher Kommen Sie’ and I reply ‘Ich komme aus Dubai’. I absolutely enjoy the follow up questions especially regarding the heat =D. So for those of you who don’t know, Dubai is a desert but you wouldn’t believe me if you saw it. That is how they’ve changed one of the world’s most popular countries to visit. Now the temperature there hits usually around 48 °C and it’s amazing to see everyone shudder at the thought of the temperature ever rising that high here. Back home in Dubai, Die Klimaanlage is considered quite a normal commodity in every household and I still remember being surprised when I moved here that most of the houses here have no ventilator or Klimaanlage. It’s fair to say Winter is my most favorite season here in Munich so while everyone else is burying themselves under layers of clothes during winter, I just love stepping out and enjoying the cold wind hit my face.  Funny how we all bring back a little of home with us. For me it’s waiting for winter to start and for here in Munich, I’m pretty sure everyone awaits the Summer. Food for thought, isn’t it =D?
