Online-Live Deutschkurs mit Lehrer*in
Philip lernt Deutsch!
Kapitel 1 | Lektion 9
Exercise: German sentence structure
Now let's practice the German sentence structures with some easy statements and questions you can use when you meet someone for the first time or when you're asking for directions. Let's begin with statements. You will hear the sentence in English. Translate it into German. Don't forget: In statements, the verb is in second position. After a short pause, you'll hear the correct German sentence.
I'm Paul. |
Ich bin Paul. |
I come from Spain. |
Ich komme aus Spanien. |
The DeutschAkademie is back there. |
Die DeutschAkademie ist da hinten. |
Very good! Now let's ask some questions. Like before, you will hear the question in English. After a short pause you will hear the question in German. We will start with questions that don't have a question word. These questions begin with the verb, remember?
Shall we drink a cup of coffee? → Trinken wir einen Kaffee?
Do you come from Italy? → Kommst du aus Italien?
Well done! Now we'll turn to questions that begin with a question word. This means the verb is in second position. Again, you'll hear the question in English and after a short pause in German.
Where's the station? |
Wo ist der Bahnhof? |
What's your name? |
Wie heißt du? |
Where do you come from? |
Woher kommst du? |
Very good! After what has been a long day for Philip, I'm sure you too will enjoy a little rest. Maybe sit back, relax and listen to the dialogues of this unit once more. When you feel ready for the next step, we'll meet Philip again as he makes plans for his first week in Berlin.