Online-Live Deutschkurs mit Lehrer*in
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Kapitel 8 | Lektion 9
German ordinal numbers II
Now listen closely to this sentence from the dialogue. What do you notice about the ordinal number? "Also fahren wir vom 23. bis 29. Januar?" Right, the ordinal numbers end with -ten instead of the normal -te that we've just practiced. Why is that? It's because in this sentences we use the prepositions "from" and "to". They change the form of the ordinal number so that the ending is -ten or -sten. The same happens if you give just one day using the preposition "am" which means "on". Here's an example sentence: I will meet you on the third of March. In German this sentences is "Ich treffe dich am dritten März.".
Do you remember the week of Philip's trip to the mountains? Right, they're going to the mountains from 23rd to the 29th of January. Sie fahren vom 23. bis 29. Januar in die Berge. Do you feel like going along? Then listen to the following unit to join them on their holiday.