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Kapitel 9 | Lektion 6

Die automatische Wiederholung ist aus. an.

Examples: directions and locations II

Here's another sentence from the dialogue. This time it's about movement in a specific direction: Also, jetzt fahren wir erstmal mit dem Lift auf den Berg. Now we'll first go up the mountain with a ski lift. Where are they going to? They are taking the ski lift to go up the mountain. They're not on the mountain yet, but they are taking a ski lift, moving up to the mountain top. The preposition used is "auf" just like in the example before. But, listen closely to the article following "auf": Also, jetzt fahren wir erstmal mit dem Lift auf den Berg. Auf den Berg. That's the Akkusativ. Den Berg. So, the second rule is: If you can ask the question "where to", in German "wohin", then you should use the Akkusativ case with the preposition.

Here are some more prepositions that work just like "auf" for describing movement and locations. First, you will hear the English translation and then the German preposition. Ready, dann geht's los:

in → in; next to → neben; under → unter; behind → hinter


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