Frage Nr. 226
Wähle die richtige Antwort aus. Immer nur eine Antwort ist richtig.
Wie ist deine Telefonnummer?
neunzehn - vierundsechzig
140 41 964
Gestellte Frage:
I don't understand how to limit the answer to this question, since i don't know how many digits are involved in a Viennese phone number--AND it also seems to me that one cannot answer other than in WORDS when spoken to--although one could, of course, say, 'zwei-zwei-ein,' etc. Basically, I simply don't understand the difference between the correct answer and the others. Please be so kind (and patient!) as to explain this, if possible.
The first answer in this question is a date of birth,
the second answer are only two numbers (19 and 64),
the third is a year and the forth answer is a telefonnumber.
Austria has the international dialing code 0043.
Austria has nine states; each city of a state has a separate dialing code of fife numbers - the first is a zero (per example: one town in Carinthia has 04264, one in lower Austria has 02742)
Vienna is an exeption; it has only "01"
If you call from abroad, you are not allowed the dial the first "0".
It differs in the size of the city, how many numbers are following the dialing code. (The bigger the city the larger the number).
So, if you call a phone in Vienna from abroad, you call: 0043 - 1 - 123 4 567 (per example)